A Bit About Me

Once upon a time, I was a hobby farmer in South Cooking Lake. Here, my kids and I planted a garden (ate the harvest for lunch), kept chickens and livestock, bought a spinning wheel and I dreamed of making my own soap and bath products.

I had been researching homemade soap for a while. After a few unsuccessful attempts, I took a soaping class and was IN LOVE! Using natural oils and butters with other skin loving ingredients was so exciting to explore. I loved crafting a luxury soap that left your skin feeling nourished- not depleted. My journey into soaping was both satisfying and rewarding.

Time marches on and kids grow- In 2015 my 5 kids and I left the hobby farm life behind and moved into the exciting metropolis of Edmonton making life easier for secondary education, jobs etc.  One of my daughters suggested I keep soaping because I still believed in holistic and natural products. It was also something I could still do out of my home and "viola" Poppy Seed Soap Co. began! I chose the name Poppy Seed to represent what can grow after one season ends- and what beauties can bloom into the next! 

Since the beginning of my soaping days in 2014 I have expanded the business to include other products for relaxation and as always, nourishing skin care, such as: whipped body butter, lip balms and bath bombs as well as candles. And there will be more to come as I love expanding and challenging myself to grow my product line. 

I love meeting and connecting with new people, drop me a comment or a line as I look forward to speaking with you! 

God Bless